Monday, July 12, 2010


My super sweet sixteeen poses little rich, spoiled, bratz, who uses their parents money to throw away money just for one night.They take it to far.They have celebrity performances.One boy even spent over one-million dollars.If they can spend that kind of money their parents must have some serious jobs where they get a lot of ching cho ching.Its just crazy how the childrens turn sixteen but spend absouloutley to much money.Its judst crazy.These bratz better use all the things they bought for the party and if they dont use it its just a big waste of money.So once you get a chance check out My Super Sweet sixteen and see how much moneythey spend.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Karate Kid

Karate Kid is the biggest movie of the century.I love that movie,its the best one of the century,year,and all the movie generation.Jaden Smith is the best kid actor and rapper.He's just like his father.So if you haven't seen Karate Kid go see it before it gets out of theatres.